2023-2024 College Catalog

WIOA/Employment Grants

(815) 921-2200
Located: North Main Street Center (NMST)
303 N. Main Street (in the Supply Core Building)
Website: RockValleyCollege.edu/Refugee

RVC’s Workforce Development is a partner-agency of Illinois’
The Workforce Connection, a 17-partner program that provides “employment-based” services to qualified individuals and eligibility criteria is program specific.

Workforce Development provides one contact for employers to find workers AND for job-seekers to receive training, education, and employment services. Services generally assist eligible job-seekers with: career testing and counseling, job readiness skills, job search assistance, on-the-job training opportunities, and financial assistance for vocational training.

Adult and Dislocated Workers Program
Services designed to meet the workforce needs of area businesses and get workers back to work as quickly as possible. The Adult and Dislocated Workers Program helps employers through customized training programs and an incentive-based on-the-job training program. Unemployed workers can benefit from: workshops, career planning and counseling, job search training and referrals, and on-the-job training with local employers.

Refugee & Immigrant Services
Services for adjustment and employment for refugees and immigrants from the northern 10 counties in Illinois. Business Services Coordinators and staff work with employers who have found great success hiring refugees and immigrants through this program.