Dean of Students Office Procedure Breakdown
The Rock Valley College Dean of Students Office (DoS) sets standards of expectations for civility, respect, and honesty for the campus. We also provide support and advocacy for students surrounding academic misconduct, personal grievances, Title IX, and education about health promotion and social justice.
Dean of Students Officer Procedures::
- General Incident Reporting
- Lactation Room Usage
- Notification of Deceased Student Communication
- Notification of Hospitalized/Extended Medical Care Student Communication
- Registered Sex Offenders Compliance
- Statement on Campus Political Presence
- Notification of Legal Obligation Student Communication
PROCEDURE: General Incident Reporting
DESCRIPTION: This procedure applies to all registered RVC students (full-time, part-time, special programs, Community Education/Continuing Professional Education) and is applicable in the review of general incidents, problems or concerns.
WHEN TO USE: Incidents where a student is physically harmed (i.e., slips, falls, classroom experiments, etc.), damage to property, physical or verbal confrontations, acts of bias or discrimination.
PROCEDURE: Lactation Room Usage
DESCRIPTION: Rock Valley College supports breastfeeding mothers by accommodating the mother with a private location to express milk when separated from her newborn child.
WHEN TO USE: This offers a private space for individuals to provide the needs of their nursing children. There is a lactation room in the Stenstrom Student Center, first floor, room 1220A.
PROCEDURE: Notification of Deceased Student Communication
DESCRIPTION: This procedure applies to anyone obtaining information that a current or former RVC student has passed away. If the student was in their last semester or had less than 12 credit hours remaining, the student may be provided an honorary Associates Degree.
WHEN TO USE: Upon notification of a deceased student, contact the Dean of Students office immediately.
PROCEDURE: Notification of Hospitalized/Extended Medical Care Student Communication
DESCRIPTION: This procedure applies to anyone obtaining information that a current or former RVC student has been hospitalized an/or receiving extended medical care that prevents them from attending class.
WHEN TO USE: Upon notification of a hospitalized student, contact the Dean of Students office immediately.
PROCEDURE: Registered Sex Offenders (RSO) Compliance
DESCRIPTION: The Illinois Sex Offender Registration Act requires any sex offender or sexual predator that will be employed or enrolled in classes at Rock Valley College must register with the the Rock Valley College Police Department (RVCPD) within three (3) days of enrollment and with the Dean of Students office by the 10th day of classes.
WHEN TO USE: Registered Sex Offenders (RSO), contact the Dean of Students office immediately
PROCEDURE: Statement on Campus Political Presence
DESCRIPTION: Illinois law expressly prohibits the use of public funds to urge electors to vote for or against any candidate or proposition or be appropriated for political or campaign purposes to any candidate or political organization.
WHEN TO USE: In the event that candidates for public office and individuals who support or oppose propositions visit the RVC campus.
PROCEDURE: Notification of Legal Obligation Student Communication
DESCRIPTION: This procedure applies to anyone obtaining information that a current student has been called to participate in a court proceeding or to serve on jury duty that will prevent them from attending class.
WHEN TO USE: In the event that a student receives a court mandated request of this nature, contact the Dean of Students Office immediately