2023-2024 College Catalog


Admission Requirements For Transfer Degree Programs

Students pursuing a transfer degree (Associate of Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Engineering Science), must successfully complete specific high school or college courses as outlined in the Illinois Public Act 86-0954 (see High School Requirements below).

A student who does not meet these requirements at the time of enrollment is provisionally admitted as a pre-baccalaureate transfer student. When course deficiencies have been completed, the student is reclassified as a baccalaureate transfer student.

High School Requirements


English  4  Written and Oral Communication, Literature
Mathematics  3  Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Trigonometry
Social Studies
 3  History, Government
 3  Laboratory, Science
 2  Foreign Language, Art, Music, or Vocational

Students with academic deficiencies are considered by RVC to have satisfied these deficiencies upon successful completion of 32 college level credits (courses numbered 100 or above with a minimum 2.0 GPA), which must include ENG 101, SPH 131, one Social Sciences course, one four-credit laboratory Science course, and one Mathematics course (MTH 115 or higher).

Non-Degree Seeking Students

There are two options that will enable you to register for classes more easily by deferring placement test requirements:

  • Visiting students are students who normally attend another university but want to take classes during the summer or any other semester and then transfer them back to their home university.

  • A student-at-large is someone who wants to take a few classes (up to 12 credits) to test out a program or the college.

Admission Policy

Rock Valley College (RVC) has an “open enrollment” admission policy and admits students who meet the following criteria:

  1. High school graduates or General Education Development (GED) earners. However, if you have earned a foreign high school credential, you must submit your High School Diploma to Educational Credential Evaluator (ECE) for evaluation. Visit the Intercultural Student Services Office, located on the second floor of the Student Center, for more information..
  2. Non-high school graduates age 18 years or older.
  3. Transfer students from other colleges. Only credits earned from regionally accredited institutions will be accepted. No grade point average will be calculated on those credits accepted via transfer.
  4. High school students age 16 or 17 who have written approval from the high school principal or counselor at the school where they have legal residence.
  5. High school students under age 16 may be considered for enrollment in credit classes with the joint approval of the high school principal and RVC’s Early College department. Students under 16 years old may enroll in non-credit classes; special permission is not required. For more information call (815) 921-4080.

Once admitted to the college, students may enroll in any course as long as individual course prerequisites, placement procedures, and/or developmental admission requirements are met and space for effective instruction is available.

Early College: Dual Credit, Dual Enrollment, & Pathways

(815) 921-4080
Located: Classroom Building II - first floor
Website: RockValleyCollege.edu/EarlyCollege

Rock Valley College offers opportunities for high school students to earn college credit:

  1. Dual Credit: Earn college and high school credit simultaneously; classes available at RVC and in participating high schools.
  2. Dual Enrollment: Earn college credit only; classes available at RVC.
  3. Bridge Programs: Link high school to college career pathways; earn college credit at RVC.
  4. Early Admission: Enrollment at RVC for students under age 16.

High School Partnership Programs: Programs for qualified high school students offered in partnership with area high schools.

  • Running Start (2-year Program): Attend RVC full-time during junior and senior year to earn dual credit toward completing a High School Diploma while earning an Associate Degree simultaneously.
  • Running Start (1-year Program): Attend RVC full-time during senior year to earn dual credit toward completing a High School Diploma while beginning an Associate Degree.
  • Career Pathways Jumpstart: Attend RVC full-time during senior year to earn dual credit toward completing a High School Diploma while beginning a CTE program.
  • Senior Semester: Attend RVC full-time in the last semester of senior year to earn dual credit toward completing a High School Diploma while beginning an Associate Degree.
  • Pathways (Linking Talent with Opportunity): Enroll in a sequence of career and technical education courses at high school and earn RVC articulated credit and dual credit toward an RVC certificate or degree program.
  • Transitional Courses: High School math & English courses that guarantee college-level placement upon successful completion.

Determine Placement

All new students interested in enrolling in credit classes are required to meet placement requirements prior to registering for credit courses. Rock Valley College provides different starting points for students interested in taking credit classes. We want to make sure your journey at Rock Valley College begins at the best place for you, so we will review your transcripts for the following multiple measures to establish your starting point. All score reports and transcripts should be submitted to the Records and Registration Office for evaluation as soon as possible, (815) 921-4250, or visit: RockValleyCollege.edu/Records.

Multiple Measures:

  • High School &/or College transcripts - includes Advanced Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and successful completion of appropriate developmental education course(s) in English &/or Math at another regionally accredited college or university.

  • Cumulative High School GPA (within five years)

  • SAT, ACT, and/or GED scores (within three years)

  • Transitional courses in English &/or Math (within 18 months)

  • CASAS (120 days)

  • Placement Assessments: ACCUPLACER, ALEKS, EdReady

More information about the multiple measures and placement assessments is available at: RockValleyCollege.edu/Testing and in the Testing Center, (815) 921-2380.

Testing accommodations for students with disabilities must be approved by the Office of Disability Support Services (DSS) at least one (1) week prior to testing in order to arrange appropriate services, (815) 921-2371.

New Student Checklist

  1. Apply online at: RockValleyCollege.edu/Apply. Some programs have limited enrollment and require additional application steps such as Aviation Maintenance Technology, Dental Hygiene, Nursing, and Respiratory Care. Refer to the Career and Technical Education Programs section (Click Here) for specific program admission details.

  2. For Financial Aid, Click Here for more information.

  3. Submit ACT/SAT Scores, official high school transcripts, and/or prior official college transcripts. GED graduates should submit original certificates from the Regional Education Office or CASAS. All documents should be submitted to Records and Registration.

  4. Determine Placement. For more information, Click Here or visit: RockValleyCollege.edu/PlacementTestRequirements.

  5. All students who intend to earn one of the following degrees are required to successfully complete STU 100 - Planning for Success: Associate of Arts (A.A.), Associate of Science (A.S.), and Associate in Engineering Science (A.E.S). 

  6. The New Student Welcome event is an opportunity for new students to meet, tour the campus, learn about campus resources and participate in activities. Online registration for the event: RockValleyCollege.edu/NewStudentWelcome.

  7. To schedule an academic, career, or transfer advising appointment, or for assistance registering for classes, contact Academic, Career, and Transfer Advising at (815) 921-4100.

  8. Payment in full is due in the Accounts Receivable office by the payment due date. Failure to make payment in full or sign up for the FACTS payment plan by the deadline will result in the cancellation of classes. Failure to receive a bill does NOT affect the payment due date. For more information call (815) 921-4414 for details or visit: RockValleyCollege.edu/Payment. Check for payment due dates at: RockValleyCollege.edu/ImportantDates.

  9. Rent or purchase books for your classes from the RVC Bookstore on the ground floor of the Student Center (Click Here for more information or go to: RockValleyCollege.edu/Bookstore).

International Student Admission

Students who are in the United States (U.S.) on an F1 visa are considered international students. To enroll at the college, these students must:

  1. Apply online at: RockValleyCollege.edu/Apply, or pick up a paper application at the Welcome Center on the first floor in the Student Center on the RVC Main Campus. Some programs have limited enrollment and require additional application steps such as Aviation Maintenance Technology, Nursing, Dental Hygiene, and Respiratory Care. Refer to the Career and Technical Education Programs section (Click Here) for specific program admission details.

  2. Submit proof of English language competency.
    a. Minimum score of 71 internet-based, 213 computer-based, or 550 paper-based on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or an overall band score of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
    b. A statement of completion of the 9th grade level at an ESL Language Center
    c. If you are here in the U.S. as a foreign student with an F-1 or J-1 visa attending a U.S. high school or college, you will need to supply the transcript from that institution

  3. Complete the Statement of Financial Support or proof of “live-in- guest” status*. Either form must be notarized.

  4. Submit original transcripts of all high school and university work.

  5. Complete steps 4-6 of the New Student Admission section indicated to the left.

  6. Complete steps 7-9 of the New Student Admission section by meeting directly with the International Student Services, Coordinator.

  7. You are required to submit your High School Diploma to Educational Credential Evaluator (ECE) to have your transcript evaluated. This is required to be submitted with your application packet. Please visit the International Student Services Office or Records and Registration Department located on the second floor of the Student Center for more information.

* Students with “live in guest,” approval are eligible for in-district tuition rates and are subject to a non-negotiable $500 International student fee assessed each term.

All documents must be submitted by the published deadlines to the Records and Registration Office. Please note: Financial Aid is not available to international students, and RVC does not provide on-campus housing. For questions about international student admission, contact (815) 921-4251. This school is authorized under federal law to enroll non-immigrant alien students.

Returning Students

  1. Students may be required to complete an application if they have not attended a class at RVC in 3 years; or if it has been more than 2 years since enrollment. Contact Admissions for more information at (815) 921-4000.

  2. Consult with an Advisor when selecting classes and setting academic goals, call (815) 921-4100.

  3. Apply for Financial Aid (Click Here for more information).

  4. Register for classes.

  5. If nearing graduation, submit an application for graduation at the Records and Registration Office. For graduation application submission deadlines, Click Here.

  6. Check registration dates at: RockValleyCollege.edu/Records.

  7. Arrange payment by payment deadline. Check payment due dates at: RockValleyCollege.edu/AccountsReceivable.

First Year Experience

(815) 921-4094
Located: Student Center - first floor
Website: RockValleyCollege.edu/FYE

  1. The“New Student Welcome Event” is offered prior to the start of fall and spring semesters. All new students are expected to attend a New Student Welcome. It is an opportunity to meet other new students, tour the campus, attend a resource fair, and learn about the student services on campus.

  2. Peer mentors are a resource for all students. They share the student experiences, connect students resources available on campus and help students engage through campus activities, clubs and organizations. To contact a peer mentor: RVC-FYE@RockValleyCollege.edu.

  3. Student Success Workshops are offered during the spring and fall semesters and are open to all students. A diverse range of topics are covered in an effort to meet the needs and interests of all RVC students. The workshops provide an opportunity for students to engage on campus and meet other students with common interests.

In order to register for classes, students must have completed an application for Admission, and have met placement requirements (See Getting Started).

Transferring Credit to RVC

Students at Rock Valley College who have credits from another college and plan to earn a degree/certificate at RVC should submit an official transcript (including any developmental courses taken which are used at Rock Valley College for placement) in a sealed envelope or electronically, directly from the issuing institution to the Records and Registration Office. A transcript evaluation request form must also be filled out and submitted to the Records and Registration Office. The transcript evaluation form is available in the Records and Registration Office, located on the second floor of the Student Center or at: RockValleyCollege.edu/RecordsForms. Evaluations may take four (4) to six (6) weeks after receipt of all materials.

Criteria for evaluation of transferable credits:

  • Transfer credit must be earned at a regionally accredited institution.

  • Whenever possible, RVC course equivalents for 100 and 200 level credits are awarded. If that is not possible, up to 21 credits of electives may be granted.

  • 300 level/junior level credits will transfer on a course by course basis once equivalency is determined.

  • 400 level credits require permission from the appropriate dean if a potential equivalency is determined.

  • Students may be required to provide course descriptions/syllabi to complete the transfer credit process. Elective credit may be re-evaluated by submitting a syllabus to the Records and Registration Office.

  • RVC accepts “D” grades only if the overall GPA is 2.0. (Refer to course descriptions at the back of this catalog for minimum course grade requirements; additional information is provided in the degree requirements for the Associate of Arts and Associate in Science, and in the degree/certificate requirements in the Career and Technical Education Programs)

  • Transfer credit does not affect cumulative GPA at RVC.

  • All new students intending to earn an Associate of Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Engineering Science, will be required to complete STU 100. It is recommended this requirement be completed during your first academic semester. Students intending to earn an Associate in Applied Science Degree or certificate are not required to complete STU 100, but are highly encouraged to do so.

  • RVC does not honor substitutions and/or waivers made at another institution, unless approved by the appropriate dean.

  • Only degree/certificate required courses will be transferred in to a student’s record. A maximum of 49 transfer credits will be applied. A minimum of 15 RVC credits are required to complete a RVC degree/ certificate.

  • Foreign transfer credit must be evaluated by Education Credential Evaluators (ECE), please go to: ECE.org.

  • Military transfer credit may be awarded upon evaluation of the Joint Services Transcript. The Joint Services Transcript (JST) can be ordered at no cost to the student by going to the website – https://jst.doded.mil (for Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard). Air Force must request an unopened copy of their official transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force. In response to the new Credit for Military Experience ACT, (HB3701), the college will use ACE, American Council on Education, to conduct and facilitate academic reviews of military courses and occupations.

  • Four (4) Fitness, Wellness, and Sport (FWS) credits will automatically be awarded to students who have completed basic training.

  • The evaluation of transfer credit may require course descriptions/ syllabi to complete the transfer credit process. Course content must be equal to a Rock Valley College course in order to transfer in equivalent credits. Vocational elective credit may be awarded if Rock Valley College does not offer an equivalent course.
    [Note: Vocational elective credit cannot be used towards degree completion.]