2023-2024 College Catalog

Transferring Credit to RVC

Students at Rock Valley College who have credits from another college and plan to earn a degree/certificate at RVC should submit an official transcript (including any developmental courses taken which are used at Rock Valley College for placement) in a sealed envelope or electronically, directly from the issuing institution to the Records and Registration Office. A transcript evaluation request form must also be filled out and submitted to the Records and Registration Office. The transcript evaluation form is available in the Records and Registration Office, located on the second floor of the Student Center or at: RockValleyCollege.edu/RecordsForms. Evaluations may take four (4) to six (6) weeks after receipt of all materials.

Criteria for evaluation of transferable credits:

  • Transfer credit must be earned at a regionally accredited institution.

  • Whenever possible, RVC course equivalents for 100 and 200 level credits are awarded. If that is not possible, up to 21 credits of electives may be granted.

  • 300 level/junior level credits will transfer on a course by course basis once equivalency is determined.

  • 400 level credits require permission from the appropriate dean if a potential equivalency is determined.

  • Students may be required to provide course descriptions/syllabi to complete the transfer credit process. Elective credit may be re-evaluated by submitting a syllabus to the Records and Registration Office.

  • RVC accepts “D” grades only if the overall GPA is 2.0. (Refer to course descriptions at the back of this catalog for minimum course grade requirements; additional information is provided in the degree requirements for the Associate of Arts and Associate in Science, and in the degree/certificate requirements in the Career and Technical Education Programs)

  • Transfer credit does not affect cumulative GPA at RVC.

  • All new students intending to earn an Associate of Arts, Associate in Science, or Associate in Engineering Science, will be required to complete STU 100. It is recommended this requirement be completed during your first academic semester. Students intending to earn an Associate in Applied Science Degree or certificate are not required to complete STU 100, but are highly encouraged to do so.

  • RVC does not honor substitutions and/or waivers made at another institution, unless approved by the appropriate dean.

  • Only degree/certificate required courses will be transferred in to a student’s record. A maximum of 49 transfer credits will be applied. A minimum of 15 RVC credits are required to complete a RVC degree/ certificate.

  • Foreign transfer credit must be evaluated by Education Credential Evaluators (ECE), please go to: ECE.org.

  • Military transfer credit may be awarded upon evaluation of the Joint Services Transcript. The Joint Services Transcript (JST) can be ordered at no cost to the student by going to the website – https://jst.doded.mil (for Army, Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard). Air Force must request an unopened copy of their official transcripts from the Community College of the Air Force. In response to the new Credit for Military Experience ACT, (HB3701), the college will use ACE, American Council on Education, to conduct and facilitate academic reviews of military courses and occupations.

  • Four (4) Fitness, Wellness, and Sport (FWS) credits will automatically be awarded to students who have completed basic training.

  • The evaluation of transfer credit may require course descriptions/ syllabi to complete the transfer credit process. Course content must be equal to a Rock Valley College course in order to transfer in equivalent credits. Vocational elective credit may be awarded if Rock Valley College does not offer an equivalent course.
    [Note: Vocational elective credit cannot be used towards degree completion.]