2023-2024 College Catalog

Withdrawal from a Class

Rock Valley College reserves the right to administratively withdraw those students who are not actively attending and/or participating in the course as determined by the instructor. Students may also be withdrawn for emergency or disciplinary reasons or if they are enrolled in courses not consistent with placement testing and course prerequisites. Students are responsible for officially withdrawing from course(s) they are no longer attending. These types of withdrawals do not remove any financial obligations incurred for the course(s). The appropriate withdrawal forms are available through contacting the Records and Registration Office. Course withdrawal is only available through contacting the Records & Registration office.

Students are encouraged to consult with their Instructor, Academic, Career, or Transfer Advisor, and the Financial Aid Office if they are receiving aid, before withdrawing from a course. Withdrawal after the last day for tuition refunds date will result in a “W” grade on a student’s transcript.

Deadlines for shorter-term courses may be found in the Records and Registration Office or at: RockValleyCollege.edu/ImportantDates.

Grades of “W” (withdrawal) are not used in calculating the GPA or semester hours attempted but will count toward financial aid eligibility. No withdrawals are accepted after the deadline except in cases of extenuating circumstances. Refer to your course syllabus for specific withdraw deadlines.

Students called up for Military Active duty must contact the Veterans Services Office at (815) 921-4163.

Students with extenuating circumstances (military activation, death of immediate family member, or serious medical condition) must submit an Enrollment Appeal to the Records and Registration Office by calling (815) 921-4250. Enrollment Appeal forms are available in the Records and Registration Office. All appeal forms must be accompanied by supporting documentation or the appeal will be denied. Submitting an appeal does not guarantee approval.