2023-2024 College Catalog


(815) 921-4600
Located: Educational Resource Center (ERC) - first & second floor
Website: RockValleyCollege.edu/Library

Resources of over 90,000 book volumes, 650 periodical titles, access to the materials of an additional 88 Illinois academic libraries, and services of dedicated information specialists – all strengthen the mission of Estelle M. Black Library at Rock Valley College in service to the information needs of students, faculty, staff and community members of the college district.

The Library facility provides space for individual and group study. Services to students are focused on circulation of materials and instruction in the use of the online catalog and electronic databases as well as orientation to major collections within the Library

The Library makes available to the college community platforms that include research discovery, video, and streaming services. There are 27 computers and 2 iMacs for student and community use for study and research. Also available: an audiovisual viewing room, an Assistive Technology Lab, Wi-Fi, color printer, scanning workstation, and multifunction copier/fax/scanner. In addition, the Library provides “course reserves” and Interlibrary Loan service.

For more information, contact the Library:
  • Reference Desk/Research Help (815) 921-4619
  – Email: RVC-LibRef@RockValleyCollege.edu
  • Circulation Desk & call-in Renewals (815) 921-4615
  – Email: RVC-Library@RockValleyCollege.edu
  • Interlibrary Loan (815) 921-4607