2023-2024 College Catalog

TRIO Student Support Services (SSS)

Located: Student Center - second floor
Website: RockValleyCollege.edu/TRIO

ACHIEVE SCHOLARS...................(815) 921-4280
COMPLETE................................. (815) 921-4114
UPWARD BOUND.........................(815) 921-4127

Eagles Nest Food Pantry..............(815) 921-4637
 *The mission of the Eagles Nest Food Pantry is to combat food insecurity by distributing food free-of-charge to RVC students, including GED and ESL classes or international students.

Student Support Services promotes the retention and graduation of low income, first generation college students, and/or students with disabilities through tutoring, mentoring, skill development, and other services to empower them to graduate.

Upward Bound promotes Secondary school and college completion through tutoring mentoring and other services. Attendees include potential first-generation college students from RPS 205 Rockford Auburn or East High Schools.