2024-2025 Student Handbook

Academic Integrity Considerations

In online learning environments, students are expected to be mindful that any consultation of apps, services, or resources without the instructor’s approval will be considered “cheating by copying.” In some courses, students will be required to use online proctoring for quizzes, tests, or other exams. Online proctoring allows students to complete tests in the Testing Center or on their own personal device.

When academic misconduct has been identified, faculty members will exercise their best judgment about the consequences and will, at all times, consider what the student should take away from the experience. In some cases, a failing grade on the assignment or the course will achieve these goals. Faculty are encouraged to outline in the course syllabus the range of consequences students might face if academic misconduct is discovered.

In addition to the penalty assigned, faculty members should report all incidences of academic dishonesty to the Dean of Students Office, even if the penalty is a warning, so that students may receive support to correct the academic integrity concerns.

Students who have been reported multiple times for committing acts of academic misconduct (by a single instructor or by multiple instructors) will be required to discuss with the appropriate Vice President in Academic Affairs necessary measures to better understand Academic Honesty and appropriate resources to use prior to pursuing the appeal process. In extreme cases, a suspension or expulsion might be warranted. Students should refer to the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct for complete procedures for addressing academic misconduct and the academic appeal and review process.

The following link is meant to be a quick reference for both prospective and current students at Rock Valley College: Defining and Avoiding Plagiarism