2024-2025 Student Handbook

Student Life

Student Life exists to connect, engage, and develop RVC students in a supportive environment through positive leadership and community building opportunities while serving as a bridge to their future accomplishments. Student involvement is essential to making the most of your college experience!

Location: Stenstrom Student Center (SSC) First Floor

Student Life Office - SSC room 1124
Student Life Activities Coordinator - SSC room 1122

Phone Number: (815) 921-4183


There are over 30 registered student organizations at RVC for you to choose from. Joining a student organization is a step in the right direction for any student. Not sure if you’d fit in? Check out a few stats from a survey of graduating RVC students:

Here’s what it takes and the requirements of a recognized active RVC student organization:

  • Any group of at least seven (7) current full-time or part-time students; five (5) for returning organizations. (Non-RVC volunteers may participate in Student Organizations activities, but are not permitted to join.)
  • Must complete organization renewal process (or registration for new student organizations) by the advertised deadline.
  • Have an appointed or elected president, treasurer, and an advisor (who must be a full-time or part-time Rock Valley College employee with a completed supervisor approval form).
  • Has an up-to-date constitution and bylaws on file with the Student Life Office.

NOTE: Recognition of an organization extends the privilege of identification with the college and the use of institutional facilities.


Benefits of Organizational Recognition:


Non-RVC Students may participate in student organization activities (excluding contact sports) but are not permitted to become members.

  • Ability to petition Student Government Association (SGA) for additional funding (if needed)
  • Access to specific student leadership trainings, speakers, seminars, and conferences
  • Access to the Print Services department. • Eligible for SGA Budget Allocation • Free use of college facilities (community groups have to pay rental fees)
  • Greater freedom to post flyers on campus (outside groups are limited as to the placement and number of flyers that they can post)
  • Access to storage space Student Organizations/Clubs

Student Life Event Approval Process:

  1. Must be officially recognized student organization in good standing
  2. Complete event request form, noting date, time, location, expected participation.
  3. Provide safety plan to Campus Police for review
  4. Check with the Student Life Activities Coordinator to see if appropriate funding is available
  5. Agree to abide by health and safety guidelines.

Please refer to Applicable RVC Board of Trustees Policies and Procedures Regarding the Demonstrations and Use of Facilities and Grounds.

For more information on Current Student Organizations visit: https://rockvalleycollege.edu/student-life/get-involved/student-organizations