About the College
For over 50 years, Rock Valley College (RVC) has offered comprehensive educational opportunities in a broad range of subjects to tens of thousands of residents of its service district.
Since opening for classes, RVC has grown from a small community college with 35 faculty members and 1,100 students to an institution of approximately 116 full-time faculty members, 214 part-time adjunct faculty (teaching credit classes) and over 10,000 students.
The Main Campus of the college is located on a 217-acre tract of land, at the northeast corner of Mulford and Spring Brook Roads in northeast Rockford. Click here for “RVC Building Locations” and “Main Campus” maps.
RVC’s Main Campus is known for being one of the most beautiful in the state. Connecting the two sides of the Main Campus, the scenic bridge spans the Spring Creek. It houses the college’s most recognized landmark – the classic Alumni Clock.
In addition to the Main Campus, the college offers degrees and related programs at facilities in District #511 in Northern Illinois:
Advanced Technology Center (ATC),1400 Big Thunder Blvd., Belvidere, IL 61008, the programs at this location include: CNC Machining, Fork Lift Training, Mechatronics, Welding, and Custom Training.
Aviation Career Education Center (ACEC),6045 Cessna Drive (61109) at the Chicago-Rockford International Airport, home of the Aviation Maintenance Technology Program.
Bell School Road Center (BELL),3350 N. Bell School Road (61114), home of the college’s Center for Learning in Retirement Program.
Downtown (RVCD),99 E. State Street (61104) [second floor, Rockford Register Star building] home to college-level various credit classes, Adult Education Office, ESL and GED classes.
North Main Street Center (NMST),303 N. Main Street (61101) [in the Supply Core Building, on the NE corner of N. Main Street and Jefferson Street], houses Workforce Development: Citizenship, DACA, Dislocated Workers Program (DWP), Illinois Immigrant Welcoming Center, plus Refugee and Immigrant Services.
Community and Whiz Kids classes are held in community sites throughout the district. (For more information visit RockValleyCollege.edu/CCE.)
Continuing Education classes are held in the ATC, CLII, and SCCE.
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RVC’s District #511 (see map below) is comprised of Winnebago and Boone counties, and parts of Stephenson, Ogle, McHenry, and DeKalb counties.

High Schools within College District No. 511
Public high schools in the service area:
• Rockford Auburn
• Rockford East
• Rockford Guilford
• Rockford Jefferson
• Roosevelt Community Education Center
• Belvidere
• Belvidere North
• Byron
• Durand
• Everest
• Machesney Park Harlem
• Rockton Hononegah
• Oregon
• Pecatonica
• North Boone
• South Beloit
• Stillman Valley
• Winnebago
Private high schools* in the service area:
• Boylan Catholic
• Christian Life Schools
• Firstborn Christian Academy
• Keith Country Day
• Rockford Lutheran
• Lydia Urban Academy-Rockford
• North Love Christian
• Our Lady Sacred Heart Academy
• Regents Christian Academy
• Rock River Academy
• Rockford Christian Schools
• Rockford Iqra’ School
* List of schools provided by the National Center for Education.
This list may not reflect all private high schools in the RVC district.
Rock Valley College continues to grow and strengthen lifelong learning opportunities and to develop innovative partnerships that offer social, economic, and cultural enrichment to the community.