2024-2025 Student Handbook

Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Policy


Mandated Reporters: All personnel of institutions of higher education, all athletic program
personnel and all athletic facility personnel are mandated reporters (325 ILCS 5/4). Mandated
reporters are required to immediately report to the DCFS whenever there is reasonable cause to
believe that a child with whom they have contact in their professional capacity may be abused or
neglected. Students enrolled in an academic program leading to a position as a child care worker,
school service personnel and/or education degree are also mandated reporters pursuant to
the Act.

Cooperation: Employees and students are required to cooperate in the investigation of any
report made pursuant to the Act.

Immunity for Good Faith Reports: The Act provides immunity for anyone who makes a report in
good faith.

No Retaliation: Retaliation against any employee, student, volunteer or other individual who
makes a good faith report of abuse or neglect or who participates in any investigation of abuse
or neglect under the Act is prohibited. Anyone found to have engaged in prohibited retaliation
may be subject to discipline, up to and including termination, expulsion and/ or other sanctions.