2024-2025 Student Handbook

Distribution Policies

Purpose: The RVC Distribution of Materials/Information and Posting Policy set forth the
conditions under which written materials may be distributed and/or posted on campus.

Authority: 110ILCS 10/2 establishes that the administration of each institution of higher
education in the state of Illinois “is responsible for maintaining decorum and order on the
campus of that institution” and provides that each college may establish procedures for persons
or organizations to exercise their right to free speech. Each college may reasonably confine/
coordinate this activity to a specific location, time duration and manner of delivery so as not to
interfere with normal college operation.

1. Approval for Distribution on Campus

a. RVC organizations: Any officially recognized RVC department or organization may distribute or post materials which pertain to the activities of the group at any authorized distribution center, bulletin board, or display area, and are subject to the restrictions defined in this policy.

b. Off-campus groups or individuals: Any off-campus group
or individual wishing to distribute or post any type of materials on the RVC campus must obtain prior approval from the Manager of Student Life and is subject to the restrictions as defined in this policy.

2. Distribution

a. There shall be no door-to-door distribution of free materials or sale or soliciting of
products, services, or information by any persons on the RVC campuses.

b. The distribution of handbills, flyers, or other printed materials by placing them on any
vehicle located on the college campus is prohibited.

c. Approval for distribution outside the confines of campus buildings by any group must be
obtained from the Manager of Student Life, and may not in any way impede the vehicular
or pedestrian traffic on any RVC roadway, sidewalk, or impede access to or egress from any
campus buildings or activities.

d. Written materials may be posted on bulletin boards on campus according the
“Bulletin Board Regulations”.

e. Groups or individuals who wish to distribute written information or materials within
the confines of campus buildings but not on campus bulletin boards must obtain prior
approval from the Manager of Student Life. Upon approval, information or materials may
be distributed from prearranged tables. There shall be no distribution of information or
materials by standing in hallways or doorways on the campus.

3. Posting

a. There shall be no posting of signs or written information on the campus grounds except as
permitted by RVC policies/procedures, or as approved by the Manager of Student Life.

b. There shall be no posting of written materials on any permanent structure on the RVC
campus. Permanent structures include, but are not limited to, concrete, and redwood on
campus buildings.

c. Signs may not be posted on doors, windows, walls, vending machines, elevators or
anything else on campus other than bulletin boards; with the occasional exception of
select window locations upon approval.

d. Recognized RVC departments and organizations may post written materials on campus
bulletin boards as permitted by the “Bulletin Board Regulations” 

4. Selling or Solicitation

a. There shall be no soliciting on any RVC campus.

b. There shall be no sales on any RVC campus by individuals or groups solely for their
own gain.

c. Recognized RVC departments or organizations may offer commercial products, printed
information, or services for sale on campus only in support of the activities and programs
of the recognized group. The name of the sponsoring college group must be clearly
marked on the product or the location where the sale takes place.

d. The sale of commercial products on the RVC campus is prohibited except as described
in Section IV-C of this policy. The college may elect to rent space to an individual or
organization from outside the campus community when the products or services for sale
fulfill an essential need not presently met by the college.

e. Recognized RVC departments or organizations may sponsor programs for donations
for charitable or non-profit groups. Student Clubs and Organizations must receive prior
approval from the Manager of Student Life, or their designee. The name of the sponsor and
the purpose of the donation must be clearly posted at the point of solicitation.

f. Off-campus individuals or groups may solicit for donations for charitable or non-profit
groups when such solicitation is sponsored by a recognized college organization, in which
case Section 4-E of this policy must be followed.

5. Refusal of Permission to Distribute or Sell

RVC reserves the right to refuse permission to any individual or group for distribution, sale, or
solicitation at any time that:

a. Normal college activities would be impeded or disrupted.

b. The procedures of this policy are not followed.

c. Special or emergency circumstances exist on the college campus which would make
distribution inappropriate.