2024-2025 Student Handbook

Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act

Illinois Preventing Sexual Violence in Higher Education Act (PL-99-0426)

The Preventing Sexual Assault in Higher Education Act is intended to help colleges and universities
prevent and address sexual assault, and was signed into law by Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner
on August 21, 2015. The new law, effective August 1, 2016, mandates that every Illinois higher
education institution develop a clear, comprehensive campus sexual violence policy, including
detailed incident reporting options and university response guidelines, and provide a confidential
advisor to survivors medical and legal assistance, and rights for both complainant and respondent,
among other requirements. Rock Valley College recognizes the severity of this concern on college
campuses and provides a fair and impartial response for all parties involved in such incidents. We
will uphold these additional requirements beyond the federal requirements.

Examples of some of the key areas we will offer in the best interest of and support for our students are:

  • Immunity: Anyone reporting a sexual misconduct act while under the influence of alcohol
    or other substance will be granted immunity within reason (e.g., individual was drinking and
    underage or violated the code of conduct while a witness to a sexual or domestic violence).
  • Confidential Advisor: If a student requests a confidential advisor, they can make that request
    known to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator and they will be referred to the
    campus confidential advisor, Rockford Sexual Assault Counseling. The comprehensive policy will
    have a full list of other protections and options for students.